Июл 24, 2023
Yareel FAQ

How do I get the blue tick and what does it do?

Getting the blue tick is pretty straightforward. It’s automatically given to you when you buy berries or VIP status (except when you purchase a Gift Card).

When you make any purchase and pay with a bank card, it’s a strong indicator—99% sure—that you’re an adult. The blue tick verifies this, letting everyone know that a verified player is indeed an adult. So, with that blue checkmark, you can be confident that the person behind the verified account is an adult.

How can I link my email to an account that was created using the device ID?

If you wanna hook up your email to an account that was created using the device ID, just hit up the support peeps. Tell us your Nickname and the email you wanna link to your account. To make sure you’re the real owner of the account, there are two options:

1) If you’ve made a purchase in the game, let us know the last four digits of your card and the email you used for the purchase.

2) If you haven’t made any purchases, the support might ask you to snap a screenshot of the game. They’ll tell you which part they need.

What personal data do other players know about me?

Nada, unless you spill the beans and share info about yourself.

Why are there so many fake accounts?

Well, that’s the price of anonymity, we don’t ask for player personal data or any other kinds of identity. That means players themself to decide which information to provide in the profiles. Sometimes freedom looks not like expected.

What can I do if I don’t want to communicate with a particular player?

You got it! No need to deal with someone you don’t wanna talk to. Add ’em to your ignore list, and they won’t be able to reach you, and vice versa. You can ignore up to 200 players, or even up to 1,000 if you’re a VIP.

Why is it taking so long to find a partner for a quick game?

Finding a quick game partner can be a bit of a wait, and it depends on the number of female accounts available in the queue. We’re proud to have one of the highest female-to-male account ratios in the industry, about 30%. But hey, even with that, sometimes it’s not enough to keep up with the demand.
To speed things up, we recommend starting with a present or trying to entertain the girl first. Cold invites aren’t everyone’s cup of tea, and they can make the random queue even longer.

How can I report a rule violation in the game?

If you catch someone breaking the rules, you can report it in three ways:

1) Drop a line to our support team. Give us the rule-breaking player’s nickname, the rule they broke, and attach a screenshot as proof.

2) Report the violation to a moderator within the game. Head to the rule-breaker’s profile, hit the “Report” button, and add comments about the specific rule they violated. It’ll help the moderator handle your complaint.

3) Shoot a message to the ⁠abuse-report channel on Discord. Share the rule-breaker’s nickname, the rule they broke, and add a screenshot as proof.

What is the Invisible mode?

Slip into Invisible Mode, and you’ll be like a ninja in Friends Searches. Your online status will only be visible to your friends in the game.

What personal data do you store about me?

Chill, we only keep your email address. We don’t store payment card information. All your payment deets are handled and store by an international e-payment system that’s all about security, protection, and confidentiality. It’s top-notch, meeting the highest data security standards set by the Payment Card Industry Data Security Standard (PCI DSS).

I found a bug. Where can I report this?

Oh no, that pesky bug! You can totally tell us about it. Just head to the ⁠bugs-report channel on Discord or shoot an email to support(dot)yareel.com. Be sure to describe the bug in as much detail as possible, let us know what device you’re playing on, how often it happens, and any specific actions that might trigger it. If you can, throw in a screenshot or video capture to help us understand it better.

I want to recover an account that I deleted. How can I do it?

No worries! If you wanna bring back a deleted account, go to the Yareel.com website, enter the email that was registered to the remote account, and hit that Play button. Then just follow the instructions, and we’ll get you sorted.

What photos can't you upload or post on your page in the game?

We’ve got some no-no content when it comes to uploading stuff:
No genitals as avatars (but you can stash those in an album if you really want)
No pics of kids – that’s just not cool
No turning furries or animals into, well, you know… sexy objects
Keep the violence and blood off the screen, please
No sneaky ads, we’re not a billboard
Put those Nazi symbols away, not allowed here
Don’t steal copyrighted stuff or slap trademarks everywhere

What if you break the rules?

If you upload banned content:
Illegal Junk: The mod might just slam the ban hammer, no warning needed.
Naughty Avatar: Genitals as your face? Nope. The mod will zap that and send you a finger-wagging message. Try it again, and you might get a timeout.
Time-Out: Do it again, and you’re in timeout. No game time for a bit.
Permanent Vacation: Keep pushing, and you could be waving goodbye to your account forever.

The "Stupidity Tax" Section

No magical promo codes for freebies or VIP status. If someone say that will sent you a pic with promocode and promise freebies, smell something fishy.
If someone claims they’re BFFs with the devs and can ban peeps, laugh it off. Oh, and multiplying berries? Yeah, right!
Avatars don’t show real faces. So, chat ’em up before you do anything silly. Figure out what they’re about.
Hey, it’s your call if you wanna splash the cash (your berries) on pics. We’re all grown-ups here. And if you blow your berries ’cause of a whoopsie, well, that’s just a tax on being a tad stupied. 
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    5 месяцев назад

    Не могу войти в игру.

    5 месяцев назад

    I am facing this problem.
    How to fix?

    1 месяц назад

    I’ve been trying to delete my account but the support button isn’t working and the phone number I called isn’t helpful. I was told I’d be contacted in 2 days to delete my account but it’s been a week. Please help!

    1 месяц назад
    Ответить на  StangeMoonCyberfuc

    What is your nickname in the game?

    1 месяц назад

    Updated app version 150 is not working properly
    Why uploaded photo are restricted to friends. Your friends addition is limited and how can others view the photo

    Федя Брюквин
    Федя Брюквин
    1 месяц назад

    Не происходит переход на платёжный сервис из меню игры. Как исправить и есть другой способ оплаты «клубничек»?

    1 месяц назад

    whats the new Blue Tick next to my name?

    1 месяц назад

    Can you recover my old yareel account

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