Weee. We know you’ve been waiting for this for a long time. Now you can send photos in messages.
Attention: To make this feature work on Android, you need to uninstall the application, download new apk and install it.
How it works
You can send any pic from your device. If you set the cost of viewing, then the recipient can either agree to see the photo and send you berries for it, or refuse to view it. The sender gets the full cost in berries.
To send a photo:
1) Set the price (from 0 to 100 berries)
You can choose not to do this, and then the recipient of the photo will be able to view it for free.
2) Set a timer
If you want the photo to self-destruct, then set a time after which it will be deleted. A possible interval is from 1 to 24 hours.

All photos sent in the chat (with the exception of self-destructed ones) are stored in the chat album. VIP users can view all pics, the rest of the last 10 photos.