Let’s find out how popular is phone sex chat nowadays and what problems do users face?

All you know we are living in the age of information technologies. I tried real-time video communication, special sex apps, adult SMS chatting, and sex toys. Some of them gave me an unforgettable experience. Nevertheless, phone sex chats are my favorite. I prefer to use only calls for sexual contact with my partners. This proven method has been working since the early days of wired phones. But a lot of people face the awkwardness of sex chat. I was not an exception. I didn’t know what to say and in which way. I didn’t know how to reveal myself and my partners whom I have never even seen in real life. I will try to answer the most important questions about phone XXX chats below.
I realized the sex chat with a stranger isn’t easy
Every year I hear about upgrades in the telecommunication infrastructures. Mobile phones become better and cheaper. It means all of us can enjoy mobile sex chats anytime and almost anywhere around the globe. A few years ago I was looking for sexual satisfaction via phone chats. Then I found out it’s easy to have fun with your partner from real life if he is apart for some period. My boyfriend left the country for a month but we had a lot of fun every night. I enjoyed it a lot! But what about a stranger? When we broke up, I realized I don’t know how to communicate with a sex partner whom I don’t even know. A picture from the web or a few lines of text wasn’t enough for me to become close to that person.
How I start a sex conversation, relax, and have fun?
Understanding of what I want from a sex chat
When I decided to try mobile sex chat a few years ago, I had a lot of doubts. I just broke up with my boyfriend. He was a dork, you know! I was so lonely and upset. Also, I was very horny and hungry for male attention. I didn’t want to leave my place to meet someone so why I decided to try sex chats. Probably, it was the best decision in my personal life! But you may have other reasons to try this kind of sexual entertainment. Think about your reasons and personal goals. When you know your goals, it’s easier to reach them.
Be yourself!
When I started to have sex chats with strangers, I pretended to be a glamour chick or even a bad bitch. I wanted to differ from me in real life. Now, my experience tells me it’s a bad idea. Probably, my partners found out I’m faking my emotions and it killed all the vibe. Boys and girls! Don’t play roles while having sex phone calls with other people (only if you are not a professional actor or actress :)). Also, I hate when a man pretends to be a cool dude or a tough guy when he’s not. It sounds silly!
I will never impersonate the phone sex partner with my ex again!
I told you I broke up with my ex. We had a great relationship but then something went wrong. I thought I can find someone the same in the sex chats. It was another big mistake! I was forcing the virtual partners to do what I lacked from my real one. Oh, don’t repeat my mistakes! Having bad sex with your wife or husband doesn’t mean that phone sex with a stranger can fix your problems.
The phone sex partner doesn’t have to be perfect
My friends say I’m very moody! Sometimes, it ruins my phone sex chatting. I want to feel like a princess who is served on the phone. But I forget I just have a chance to talk to someone who is looking for the same pleasure like me. Now I’m trying not to be a bad selfish person. Now I know the conversation depends on both partners. If you want to have an unforgettable sex chatting, be patient and supportive. That’s all I can advise you.
Do not be shy, be open
First time having a phone XXX chat, I was very shy! I was hiding my real sexual desires. Now I have enough experience and I can give you some advice. Most likely, your partner will be happy to know about all your wishes and help you make them come true. I know, it may not be easy to reach your sexual goals in the bedroom but you should try everything you dream about on the phone.
You can talk on abstract topics if you want
I had a few very interesting conversations with phone sex partners about pop music and my favorite TV show. It was very cool and brought positive emotions only. Don’t forget, even if it’s a sex call, you can get a little bit off-topic. It is a good instrument to relax and get the right connection with your partner. Maybe, you will find out you have the same interests besides mobile sex chatting. Feel your partner. If he or she isn’t interested, better change the topic. Don’t talk about the weather because it’s too boring. I can’t imagine a sexy man who is interested in weather))) Also, avoid sensitive topics like politics, religion, etc.
Ask him about fetishes!
I have another advice about fetishes. A great way to start a conversation about sex is to ask your partner to talk about his fetish. Let him tell you where the fetish came from and what kind of sexual experience he associates with it. There are a lot of various fetishes. Maybe, you will get acquainted with people who have some rare and exciting fetishes. Also, it’s a good way to get rid of stress. I heard some really exciting and funny stories about fetishes. It was cool!
The best phone sex chatting is when both partners are satisfied at the end
I had some bad experiences during my sex phone calls. I didn’t reach orgasm utill the end of the conversation. It was very disappointing. They only thing I can say is don’t be an egomaniac. Do your best to make your partner happy and he will do the same for you. But it’s okay to have a bad sex chat, too. A bad experience is a valuable experience. Next time you will find the right person for a fantastic sex call.
How I meet people online for adult phone chats?
I spend a lot of time searching for appropriate partners. Of course, I used the Internet! There are several websites where people interested in phone sex meet each other. I listed the places you should visit to find appropriate partners.
Be brave, don’t repeat my mistakes, and make your life brighter with sex phone calls!