We received many stories from you for a last month. We were very pleased to read them. We hope you too was interested to learn more about our players.
Today we publish the latest and final story. Thanks to everyone who shared their stories with us.

Hi to everybody!
Damn it, I adore Yareel. And not only because I have fun in the game, but also because Yareel really helped me to become better.
In fact, all my life I was a nerd. I have never had any friends, either at school or in adulthood. Since childhood I was a shy child and could not communicate with people around me. Now I am 32 years old, I am not married, I do not have a girlfriend and I live a closed life. I understand perfectly well that I am a grown man who needs to start a family, but for me it was a real torture to meet girls. To meet a girl in real life – this is a fucking fuck and epic fail, I start to stutter and speak out of place and twaddle. Naturally girls just run from such a macho.
I tried to get acquainted with the girls in the social network, but I was perceived as a stalker. In Yareel on the contrary attracts people who come into the game for the purpose of dating, therefore it was here that I began to communicate with the girls. It turned out to be not so difficult ) Communication with my friends in Yareel gives me a lot – I begin to understand who these girls are and what they want, how to behave with them, what they say and what they like)
I play Yareel for two years. There were no day when I did not enter the game and did not say hello to my friends and would not talk to a new person in the bar. Two years ago, I could not imagine that it is possible and that I can find a common language with anyone.
And you know, after all this experience in Yareel two weeks ago I met a girl in a store near the house which I often met earlier but did not dare to speak to her. It was absolutely simple and not stressful! Now, when we meet, we say hello and she smiles at me. Soon I will take her phone number and call for a date. Yes, damn it, I’ll do it, I know for sure!
Thank you dudes that you are doing people like me happier
Yareel forever!