This article was created because I decided to have some fun in a free adult chat, but what surprised me was that so many men make the same mistakes when communicating with women. Dear men, let me enlighten you a little on what you shouldn’t do if you want to really chat up a woman.

8 tips on how to pick up a woman in sex chat
1. Don’t send a dick pic right away
Of course, people come to sex chat not for love or a serious relationship, but you don’t need to be an asshole and immediately send a photo of your cock. Your lollipop will not be to her taste if you send it right away without even a simple hello.
I am not against sending hot pics; it turns me on, but only we’ve chatted for a bit first.
2. Fill out your profile
Fill out your profile, at least minimally, that way you’ll have a better chance of being answered. A lot of requests come to the women in the chat, and a message from an empty profile with the nickname “Jhfhbvdfgkl” is unlikely to give you a headstart if you want to chat with women.
It is advisable to indicate not only a normal nickname, but also describe yourself, your hobbies, and your sexual desires or fantasies. And if you approach this with humor, then your chances of getting the attention of the ladies will increase 100%.
3. Find out the sexual boundaries of the interlocutor
Everyone has their own sexual boundaries, so discuss them before you suddenly decide to jump into a role-playing game. Your partner may not have the same desires you do, and the heroes of your erotic fantasies may be the villains of her terrible dreams.
Please don’t understand me literally. No need to immediately after the greeting ask a woman a question about her sexual preferences. Of course, there are ladies who come to sex chat with only one purpose – to get sexual release. But most women are interested in first playing a game called “flirting”, during which you can find out what she likes and what is categorically unacceptable to her.
4. Adult chat is the equality of partners
If you think that a woman is obliged to fulfill all your desires, then you need not a free sex chat but a cam site. Remember, erotic chat is a mutual desire of two and all actions in it should bring pleasure to both parties.
5. Don’t be a miser
If in a chat there is an opportunity to send a woman a gift, don’t be cheap. Do it! First, you will definitely be noticed. Second, a generous man immediately arouses respect.
6. Erotic compliments
Don’t forget about compliments, including erotic ones, especially since this is an erotic chat. If you liked her nickname, write to her about it. Feel free to express your admiration for her. Do you remember the old adage saying that women fall in love with their ears? Emotionally cold men only repel.
7. Don’t be offended
If communication does not go how you’d like, I beg you not to try to build a victim out of yourself and be offended. Such a man discourages any sexual desire toward him.
8. Take the initiative
Don’t forget that according to statistics in sex chats, most users are men. In two hours I received about 80 requests from men; it is simply physically impossible to answer everyone. Therefore, no matter how sad it may be to not get a response, you will have to take the initiative and do everything possible to stand out from the rest. It’s almost like a hunt; you’re the hunter here and your reward is a sex chat with a lovely stranger:)
I hope these few tips will help not only you, dear men, but also women have fun in adult chat rooms.
Pleasant dating and hot chatting!