Jun 18, 2019
We are very pleased that Yareel helps not only to have fun, but also helps to solve various life and psychological problems.
Thank you, our dear players, for sharing your stories with us and other players. It’s great that the Yareel community is so responsive. We love you.
On this page we will collect all your stories. Authors of stories published by us will receive 100 berries per account. Send your story to [email protected].
#HowYareelHelps. Gary: stopped being afraid of girls in real life after two years in Yareel

#HowYareelHelps. Linda: My husband understands that playing Yareel is not a cheat

#HowYareelHelps. The Story of a Gay from Iran.

#HowYareelHelps. The story of a shy guy.

#HowYareelHelps. Maryjane lives away from her husband.

#HowYareelHelps. Fuckrrr247: realize my sexual fantasies in the game.

#HowYareelHelps. How to refresh your relationship after 28 years of marriage

#HowYareelHelps. LuciferNOX: Now I’m the boss around the girls

#HowYareelHelps. BoobieVee: Yareel for helping me minimize my hypersex habits

#HowYareelHelps. Helen: I met some people in Yareel who really helped me to fulfil my fantasies

#HowYareelHelps. Christie: In Yareel I met people who don't condemn me

#HowYareelHelps. Emperorfucker: I love to chat with people of different countries